Live Casino Poker Promotions
Just enter your preferred casino deposit amount, claim the Poker & Casino Welcome Bonus, and watch your account instantly double in size via a 200% match up to $2,000. These bonus funds are immediately made available for wagering purposes, giving you 'spending money' of sorts with which to explore the site's expansive menu of more than 200. Poker tournament schedule and information, including starting times, buy-ins, prize pool guarantees, and freerolls. Casino at Arundel Mills. Facebook; Twitter; 5 4 3 2 1. 7002 Arundel Mills Cir #7777, Hanover, MD 21076. Online Poker Promotions.
Watch for promotions in the emails Super Stack Casino sends you. There are a few that come and go and others that are readily available. Tournaments are another way to gain extra money playing your favorite casino games. Tournaments include Sunday Poker nights, Wednesday Guaranteed games, and No Fee Guaranteed games. Some charge a fee to join, but daily tournaments are fee-free and have decent pots. If you play slots, watch for slots tournaments that offer a cash prize to the top players.
Table Game Promotions
Some of the table games and video poker games at Super Stack qualify for jackpots of up to $1,000,000. If you like Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, and Roulette, join the casino and play the Jackpot Casino Games and Jackpot Mobile games. Do well and you could be a millionaire. Each Monday, the Bonus Baccarat Zero promotion boosts payouts from $1 to $1.027 if the player wins, 95 cents to 97.25 cents if the bank wins, or 9.5:1 if it's a tie. This promotion is only active from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST. There's another increased payouts bonus on Tuesday for Pai Gow players. From 2 to 8 p.m. EST, you get 1.05x if you win. Radical Roulette Wednesday boosts prizes by 1.11x between 2 and 8 p.m. EST. Thursday's bonus game is Craps with a 10x to 100x boost if you play in the Bonus Casino from 2 to 8 p.m. EST. The final bonus game is on Friday and is the Bonus Casino's Blackjack promotional table. Get a Blackjack and double your winnings. Again, it's only offered from 2 to 8 p.m. EST. The Red 5-5-5-5 Blackjack Bonus is awarded to players in the Bonus Casino who get four red 5 cards in their Blackjack hand. If it's you who manages this feat, you can win up to $25,000 cash.Poker Promotions
When you play poker for real money and have a bad beat, you could win part of a jackpot. If you're at a qualifying Bad Beat Jackpot table and lose with 8s, a four of a kind, or better, you'll win the Bad Beat Jackpot. The amount of money varies, but it's 60% of the jackpot to start. The jackpot is collected after poker games at a rate of 1% of the rake. It builds over time and that 60% is split in this manner:- 50% to the Bad Beat loser
- 30% to the winning hand
- 20% to other players remaining at the table
Sportsbook/Racebook Promos
Reduced Juice is a promotion for sportsbook fans. Reduced Juice helps discount your bets. With a Super Stack Poker option, you might usually have to wager $110 to win $100, but it would reduce it to a $105 wager for a $100 prize. There's also a 30% Super Saver Reward Program that discounts bets by 30%. The 30% discount is good on parlays, too. Point Mover Special Bonuses and Track Odds Plus 10% follow that same idea of paying less for your wagers without lowering how much you can win. Are you on a winning streak? Betting Streak Prizes are given out in prizes of up to $5,000 when you win 5, 10, 15, or 25 bets in a row.

Live Dealer Casino Rewards
Maryland Live Casino Poker Room
Play American Blackjack in the Vegas Live Dealer area and you might win the Super 7-7-7 Progressive Jackpot that starts from $5,000. To win, you need three 7s in your hand all in diamonds. If you do, you win the entire progressive jackpot prize. If you get three 7s from hearts or diamonds, you win the second-place prize of $1,000. Get three 7s in your hand and win the $100 third prize. In addition, American Blackjack players appear on the leader board each month. Players in the top three positions win a prize of $50, $150, or $300.Bingo Casino Rewards
Live Casino Poker Room

In order to ensure the integrity of all games in the Live! Poker Room, no language in any form other than verbalized English may be used while gaming in the Live! Poker Room. Management reserves the right to exclude anyone, whether a player or an observer, from the Poker Room for violating this requirement.
- Players are responsible to check in and out at the Brush Stand if their player’s card or the table is malfunctioning. Tracking must be completed the same day as the play.
- Players must be 21 years of age or older.
- Limit games will have a maximum of 4 raises unless heads-up. No Limit has no maximum to the number of raises.
- A player may not use any electronic devices while they are in a hand.
- All seating and seat changes must go through a supervisor or the brush stand.
- Management will decide the limit of games and when to start or close a game.
- Cash is not permitted on the tables. All cash must be converted into chips prior to the start of a hand.
- One player per hand.
- Players are responsible to protect their own hand. Any irregularities must be brought to management’s attention before the next player has acted. Once the next player has acted, there will be no recourse to any monies in the pot. Special circumstances may occur if there is an uncalled raise.
- Playing over is allowed and is a privilege. Permission from an absent player is not required
- All games are table stakes. If a player returns to the same game within one hour of cashing out, their buy-in must be equal to the amount removed when leaving the game.
- There are no short buy-ins allowed.
- Once substantial action has taken place, a player with too many cards has a dead hand. A player with too few cards may have the option to continue play.
- Four card flops will be turned face down and scrambled, with one of the cards becoming the burn card and the other three cards the flop.
- Chopping blinds are allowed in button games.
- No flop, No drop.
- Buying the button is allowed.
- Straddles may be allowed and are double the big blind or rounded up to the nearest $5 increment.
- A player may not bring chips into the betting area and check.
- Cards speak when face up at showdown.
- Discussion regarding the hand in progress is not allowed.
- The house has the right to prohibit any two players from playing at the same table.
- Rabbit hunting is not permitted.
- Players are expected to pay attention and not hold up play.
- Language, dress, hygiene and behavior should be befitting of ladies and gentlemen.
- Abusive language towards players or the staff will not be tolerated.
- Decision of Management is final.
- Use of Tablets are not permitted while actively gaming.
Maryland Live Casino Poker Promotions Schedule
Please play responsibly. For help, visit or call 1-800-522-4700.