GeoCoin is an ERC20 Token on the Ubiq Network. We migrated a snapshot of all balances in January 2018 from our original Qubit Proof of Work blockchain, captured at block # 1568125. The ERC20 token is currently trading at Bittrex, CatalX and CryptoFacil exchanges.
- Geocoin Club News Check us out on Facebook for all the latest news, contests and more. Here's a little preview: Join now to start in March! Simply pick the number of coins you want to get, your renewal period, and pay! 3 months (next renew: May, 21).
- A geocoin is a metal or wooden token minted in similar fashion to a medallion, token coin, military challenge coin or wooden nickel, for use in geocaching, specifically as form of a calling card. The first geocoins were developed by Jon Stanley (aka moun10bike) as a signature item to be placed in caches.
- GeooinShop is a full service, Groundspeak approved vendor. We can help you design and manufacture your own personal geocoin or other swag. You can browse or shop our store for older geocoins, or something a bit newer.
- Geocoin: Silver (Regular Edition)
- Geocoin: Silver (Regular Edition)
- WWCC21 Shirt
- Geocoin: Silver (Regular Edition)

- WWCC21 Shirt
- Geocoin: Silver (Regular Edition)
- Geocoin: Silver (Regular Edition)
- WWCC21 Shirt

Geocoins For Sale
This is the official swag for the WorldWide CacheCon virtual event! Swag sales will close at 12:01am Pacific Time on Feb 1st 2021 and the orders will be immediately started at the mint. We expect swag to be delivered in March. Please know, that this swag is limited and advance order ONLY. We will NOT be producing more than a couple of extra. If you want it, you need to order before BEFORE Feb 1st 2021 at 12:01am Pacific Time. All orders are non-refundable. All orders will ship via USPS and with Tracking.