Crush Live Poker
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Bart Hanson from takes weekly call-in about hands and poker situations. To submit to have your hand possibly analyzed on the show email B. CRUSH LIVE POKER HI GUYS! THANKS For Watching My Post! SELLING Poker Programs & Poker Courses for CHEAP RATES!! Best Prices For The Best Courses! Any Proofs Greetings! HOW TO DO IT: 1. ASK Me The Price 2. RECEIVE link in Few Minutes GUARANTEE! USE CONTACTS JUST FROM THIS SECTION! Skype: Elite.
Live Poker has been touted to be very profitable in 2020, mostly when played with lower stakes. In a market beaming with promise and profit, Crush Live Poker offers a learning opportunity for players, both beginners and experts.
For every player serious about getting profit from live poker, the place of training cannot be relegated to the background. In fact, with the intricate details that characterize live poker, learning from experienced players has never been this important.
Is Crush Live Poker Worth it? Crush Live Poker is worth the subscription fee. With training in almost every single detail, Crush Live Poker has established itself as a knowledge powerhouse in the poker industry.
With them, you do not have to comb the internet for training videos or articles. All you have to do is subscribe, and every information you need will be at your fingertips.
As you already know, Live Poker involves mathematical problems, and this can get overwhelming. With Crush Live Poker, you will be trained on faster ways to solve these mathematical problems. And the good thing is this: you do not need to be a mathematical genius to understand this. All you have to do is pay attention, and all the mathematics used will be explained to you in simple, less-technical terms.
But Crush Live Poker isn’t about just helping you solve mathematical problems; it comes with other beautiful features, which will be discussed in this article.
Table of ContentsWhat is Crush Live Poker
Crush Live Poker is an online platform – consisting of podcasts, articles, and so on – which focuses on training newbies and experts on the dynamics of Live Poker. The platform was started and is currently run by Bart Hanson, a poker and cash game specialist. Bart has been producing training content for poker players at every level since 2007. This should tell you that he is not one of the new guys but one of the experts who have watched the game grow, expand, and become what it is today.
Starting with Pokerroad in 2007, Bart moved to Deuces Cracked. Since then, he has been releasing a weekly podcast on poker strategies. Asides from being a Podcast host, he has been featured on other poker shows like the WSOP Final Tables and regularly appears on Live at the Bike. He also releases a series of articles for Card Player and strategy/tips on his Twitter account.
Now that we can at least agree that Bart Hanson is not a novice when it comes to Live Poker, and teaching other players, let’s move forward.
What Does Crush Live Poker Offer
Crush Live Poker offers several training contents for subscribers; all put in place to make you an overall live poker player. Here are Crush Live Poker training offers:
- Podcasts: If you learn faster by listening to someone speak, then you can easily plug into this option. Also, these Podcasts are usually held live, and this allows listeners to call into the show with questions, queries, advice, and so on. Subscribers also have the opportunity to get their hands reviewed by Bart Hanson.
- Videos: If watching is your thing, then you can go for the videos. You can watch hundreds of videos for players of every level. Also, you can access older videos if you need certain information.
- Forum Of Other Players: What better way to learn than from a group of like-minded players? With this forum, you can share tips, give and take advice, ask questions from players like you, and help each other grow. Bart and other experienced trainers also belong to this forum and can help you with answers. Most importantly, you can keep track of your improvement by checking out how other players are doing.
- Articles: This is for the readers or those who find it easier to learn from written text. Every week, Crush Live Poker releases hundreds of articles that focus on different aspects of Live Poker. It is advised that every subscriber goes through these articles every week, which will help you learn faster.
Why Crush Live Poker Is Worth It
Subscribing to Crush Live Poker cannot be deemed too expensive; this is because poker is not a game for the faint-hearted. Even the strong at heart have to be fully prepared before going into live poker.
Here are several reasons why Crush Live Poker is worth it:
Crush Live Poker Offers Top-Notch Training
There is no doubt that Crush Live Poker offers great lessons on myriad poker subjects, and with the constant-evolving nature of the poker game, it is more than important to learn as much as possible. With adequate training, you will be able to take advantage of new trends, rather than these new trends causing you loss. This training also gives you a clue into what other players in the game are doing, and this will help you improve your hand while developing your strategy. As earlier mentioned, Crush Live Poker will also show you simpler ways to solve mathematical problems without being a mathematics prodigy.
Crush Live Poker Has Something For Every Player
While Crush Live Poker might be commonly used by professionals because of its in-depth training, they also understand that new players are joining the game every day. Hence, there is training available to help new players understand the basic dynamics of live poker. The topics in this category include:
- Equity
- Preflop ranges
- Pot Odds Math
- Responding to limpers and so on.
Crush Live Poker also focuses on the Higher Stakes players, who are usually in the TOP SECTION. They are experts, and this is where Bart Hanson discusses the strategies of mid and high stakes with other expert players. This training focuses on:
- How to use PIO solver
- Brilliant betting strategies
- Exploiting whales at the highest stakes
- Strategies for Blocker
- The intricacies of picking overbet spots and so on.
Crush Live Poker
Crush Live Poker focuses on players who specialize in small stakes

In this category, Bart shows players how to improve their game by watching the high stakes players. Bart also explains the styles of opponents, how to find that out, and combat it. This will also help you get as much money as possible from your opponent.
The small stakes category has the highest number of inexperienced players, and players who take their training to the heart can tap into this behavior. Crush Live Poker also introduces players to a wide array of psychological concepts that can be used to extract money from your opponent.
You can subscribe to Crush Live poker here.

Final Thoughts
If you need to learn anything, you must choose the best. Getting a Crush Live Poker membership isn’t just about the cost, but the benefits that come with it. Think about it; what do you have to lose? Nothing! But what do you stand to gain? A lot! Also, if you pay for the first month’s subscription, the knowledge you gain can make you money, which will cover for the next month. Sounds great, right?
You might be considering free online lessons – which would of course, be hard to find – but the in-depth training provided at a paid lesson will undoubtedly be different from that which is free.
Is the subscription fee for Crush Live Poker refundable?
Poker Live Game
Unfortunately, the subscription fee is non-refundable.
Texas Holdem Live Poker
How much is the subscription fee?
There are several packages available; the basic package goes for $19, while the premium package is $39 per month. There is also a professional package, which costs $99 each month.
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